January 2013
Lips of Silent Fire
Paper Doll - Muneca de Papel
Winter Night Slice
for a while
Elemental Needs
A Brush with Cats
Muslin Kiss
Lift a glass of cloud and drink to me
for I will always be part of your sky.
Deep breath in… hold it!
and I’ll find a way to you heart.
Could I stay a while, you know
hang out?
I mean if you don’t mind.
No, I should let you heal I guess.
I know… I’ll settle on your palette
and ride the wild of your brush.
I’ll be the light you paint through your skies.
Deep breath in… hold it!
Smell that Utrecht White?
Smile 'My Heart'… that will be me.

Lips of Silent Fire
Her face left the shadows,
Salient and alluring,
Her lips a dark flame, a garnet rose,
glistening and soft,
a need simmering,
belying her freckled bisque skin.
His face left the shadows
rapacious for her kiss
and the velvet vice of her thighs;
eyes, a mirror to hers.
His heart a merengue,
a dance of phosphor
hissing in the sea of her blues,
on her lips of silent fire.
I dance in these gaps,
that interstitial space of a cellular smile
that my breath holds wide,
between the dark sighs of shadow.
I revel in these cracks
where magic meets logic
where Merlin pals with Darwin
where sparrows peck at Cardinals
hobbling their zealous greed,
their feeding off the sheep of the world.
I soar in these canyons
where we live with such abandon,
where Hawking chats with Moses
where the light of love,
or the joy of a child
can fill one’s eye with everdream. |

Paper Doll
Muneca de Papel
You never had the courage
that I gave your credit for,
perhaps some think that of me.
But its odd…
how together I made you out to be,
the myth I carried through the years
stop motion movies - snippets,
unmoved, resilient, impervious
in stately measured control
Mighty storms lie behind our eyes
bloody battlefields of doubt
riddled with second guesses
porous with thirds
with martyrs dying to bleed
on mother’s spotless rug
fears gnawing at common sense
shadow dancers of addiction
feeding lies, denials, and thighs.
This ice queen moving
through rain forests and mountains?
This master of goodbyes?
She was so good at those…
so collected
perversely stoic as she walked away.
You never had the courage
that I gave your credit for.
Just a beautiful paper doll.

Winter Night Slice
The stars seem like tattoos,
pricks of silver and blue white ink
behind this skin of low cloud.
It is a breathy night, moist,
with bursts of cool damp air.
A front is coming,
the crickets are just listening,
the mosquitoes stop licking their fang,
while a lone heron cries
deep in the cypress glade.
for a while
for a while
take off your cloak of sky
let your wings lay still
to plump with the rich warm sun
for a while
let earth renew you
love needs to rest in order to fly
lullaby your roots
for a while
steep violets and marigold
in our evening tea
let my shadow soothe you
for a while
let my breath be your rain
my smile your light |

Elemental Needs
Earth likes to be scorched
to feel the Fire licking at its rocks,
scalding the mud
til it’s thick bubbles pops
Earth is always on its toes,
obsidian guessing,
where her tongue will Fire next.
Earth smurves with Water
suspended, schmoozing
integrated in the flow
at one with the slime
content to slop
to cake at leisure,
a malcontent.
Earth needs Earth
someone kin to grind against,
two rocks intent on beautiful sand
that sparkle of granite.
that brings a little Fire along
I hate when my rocks get cold.

© Renae Schoeffel, 2012
Buzzer ran like her fur was on fire.
A bullet of scruff
shot into the field
defying any wind to slow her down.
Eyes bright and wide in her joy
fervent and eager
at one with the moment
in pursuit of that evil,
the retrieval,
the carnage of ‘The Ball’.
A Brush with Cats
I sang the breath of your blues,
got high on the wine of our glorious days.
I inhaled the timbre
the alto trill
that tumbles from your laugh.
I rang like a bell
vibrating with you,
my smile unstable
sparking like a wire crossed.
I howled
recoiling at your swipes
blades glinting
from your majesty of clouds
I had thrummed
in perfect pitch - A
erased from across the stars. |

© Rayla Noel, 2012
Muslin Kiss
- aaaaaaaaaah!
tasting the air
carefully - slowly
this fabric of you
it’s weave
the cloaks… the salty layers
the bitter tang of your shadows,
the sweet longing you hold
so close to your heart
what love and pain have wrapped around you
the drippings - the remains
that cling to your inner skin?
what hides?
what runs on the screens behind your eyes:
what still burns?
- hold it, hold it…
Won’t you paint me as I write you?
Will your palette’s oils…
as my ink,
burst to scream?